Eye Am Beautiful. Eye Am Outstanding. Eye Am REALHER.

Realher Products

RealHer Is Really Proud That 100% of Its Employees Are Women

EmpowermentRealHer places affirmation quotes on each individual product.  "We all have problems, different challenges.  There are so many situations that arise every day and I feel like personally, it was a motivational quote that carried me through the years."

RealHer is high quality.  "All of the formulas we have are 100% cruelty-free.  We do not do any testing on animals."  The founder of RealHer understands how difficult it is to formulate a product that is absolutely safe to use and absolutely high standard and premium.  "We like to utilize natural ingredients like shea butter and aloe vera.  We combine all the best ingredients to present the best product in the REALHER collection."



"Eye Am Beautiful"

REALHER's Social Impact

RealHer has been donating 20% of its proceeds to AAUW for the past two years. AAUW is an association that has existed in the United States for more than 100 years. 


Equity Through

Advocacy. Education. Philanthropy. Research.

AAUW has been instrumental in empowering women by "investing a lot of energy into women's education, leadership and pay equality."  RealHer is honored to work with AAUW.

RealHer Is Sisterhood

RealHer began #realhersisterhood in 2018

RealHer began #realhersisterhood in 2018

In 2018, RealHer started a new initiative, #realhersisterhood#realhersisterhood is a digital community where women and girls can gather together to empower each other.  According to the founder of RealHer, "you can ask about anything and there will be mentors there to help you answer and solve these problem."

RealHer - "I Feel Beautiful"Shadow Palette