Kanye West's "Red Pill" Hard To Swallow For Many


Kanye West is a "Republican".  This is not a new piece of information.  Consider the close relationship and "MAGA" tweets between Trump and West.  It has been known for sometime that the two of them had more in common than an affinity for the "bling" in any and everything around them.

President Elect

Holds Meetings At Trump Tower

Though well known--or at the very least suspected--many of the most influential names in the music industry were "not ready for an open Republican."  Kanye's endorsement of Donald Trump and his "KEEP AMERICAN GREAT #KANYE2024" announcement may have been a bit too much for some.

Among those that have ceased and desisted all following of Kanye is Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, Jaden Smith, Justin Bieber, 2 Chainz, Big Sean, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Kylie Jenner and Rihanna.  Wow!  These are some very important names to voluntarily jump ship.  Who's next, or who simply decided to hit the "West Mute Button"?  Time will tell.  It always does.

Kanye West hasn't stopped with this series of controversial tweets.  The "MAGAness" continues with his most recent non-sequitur "hate", "love" and "...world is our family" rants.  What's this all about?  Attention?  Trolling?  Simple boredom?  We surely do not know--not sure he does either.  

We'd love to hear from you or simply show some support for Kanye--much like Chance The Rapper.  Chance says "black people don't have to be democrats".  Is it really about Republicans vs. Democrats, or specific personalities within these parties?  What are your thoughts? 
